Help in using maternity capital

We will answer your current questions!

Maternal (family) capital is a measure of state support for Russian families in which a second child (or third child or subsequent children) was born (adopted) from 2007 to 2021, if at the birth (adoption) of a second child the right to receive these funds is not made out).

Today, the issue of managing maternity capital (MK) funds until the youngest child reaches the age of three remains relevant. Indeed, as a general rule, it will dispose of the indicated funds only after 3 years. But there are exceptions when maternity capital can be used up to 3 years:

  • repayment of loan obligations to banks and other financial organizations for housing loans and borrowings;

  • purchase of goods and services for children with disabilities;

Another option for receiving up to 3 years of part of the funds of the capital is a one-time payment, which is provided during the crisis years under separate federal laws. Such a payment is made immediately after the occurrence of the right to state subsidy funds - maternity capital.

The provisions of Law No. 256-FZ permit the use of maternity capital ahead of schedule, but the purpose of spending should be directly related to lending to improve housing conditions, that is, to repay obligations under a loan or loan agreement, the money for which was allocated for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

You can always contact the specialists of our agency to help you conduct all legal transactions with maternity capital as a down payment or to pay off a mortgage loan.