Any property has a number of features that must be considered when assessing its value.
A quick assessment of real estate provided by some sites does not give an accurate result, because it does not take into account the real demand for real estate in a particular region, the deterioration factor of buildings.
If you are interested in the market value of your apartment, please contact our real estate agency. The staff of the company "Cozy House" employs 2 specialist appraiser. We analyze the functional purpose of the valuation object, determine the collateral value of the property, the value of the property for insurance. The full list of services we provide is presented below.
We provide the following real estate valuation services:
Assessment of the market value of apartments
Damage assessment of apartments during a flood / fire
Estimation of the value in the preparation of the contract of sale
Estimation of value when dividing property
Valuation of property for a mortgage loan
Estimation of the cost of garage and utility buildings
Assessment of the market value of land