The object of the rental contract in this case is a garage, in other words, a building or a room that is designed to store vehicles.
Each garage building that is the subject of a lease must have a roof, walls, gates, and floor. A thorough description of the structure should be contained in the contract itself or in the annex.
The lease agreement can be executed by the lessee and the lessor in the usual written form. The specifics of legislative regulation and the procedure for drawing up a lease for a building depend on whether the garage belongs to real estate. If the garage transferred to the lessee is not legally recognized as real estate, then its rent and the procedure for drawing up the contract are not established by law. But still, it is better to conclude such a contract in writing. This will allow the lessor and the lessee to avoid litigation in the future.
According to statistics, a lease agreement between citizens is often not executed in writing, and often the parties to the contract are faced with such disagreements as the indefinite obligation to carry out repair work, the time of rental of the facility, the frequency of payment and other subtleties. In addition, the absence of a written contract deprives the parties of the right to defend their interests in court.
The garage is classified as real estate if it has a capital foundation, is located on personal land and has a registered right of ownership. Legal relations regarding a garage classified as real estate are regulated by articles 671-688 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the lease is concluded for a period of more than 12 months, but has not passed the registration procedures, then the contract is considered invalid and has no legal force.
In short, about concluding a rental contract for a garage. Of course, each tenant can independently conclude such a contract. This will require some, check all the papers and the legality of the transaction. Our experts have sufficient experience in processing such transactions, so you can always contact us for help!